Pay online with your skins

Choose skins from your gear and... with them in the online store!

  • Quick

    We know that everyone values the time it takes to process a transaction. Payskin provides instant payments, which is why its users will never have to worry about long accounting time. We bypass those stages for you. Pay faster than ever.

  • Easy

    Using payskin is a breeze. You only need to pick one among all payment methods available, and we’ll guide you through the process. You are just a few steps away from your dream purchase, and every future use of payskin will get easier and easier

  • Safe

    You don’t need to worry about the security of your account or inventory. Remember that you can only log into your payskin using the official Steam site. Your passwords are fully secure, and skins you choose are only going to be used to pay for the product you want.

Step 1

Register and make your skins count

Gain a completely new use of your skins, that have only had digital value until now. Remember, your safety is our main concern, which is why you will need to log in via the official Steam website.

Step 2

We're going to evaluate your skins, you can choose the ones to pay with

Step 3

Your payskin wallet

Step 4

No accounting - instant payments